Developing an Academic Planner for Success in 2021

As 2020 draws to a close, students need to look towards the academic year ahead for success in 2021. With school closures and online classes to get used to, it’s been a challenging year for students, both in school and at university. 

Keeping organised during these unprecedented times is more important than ever. The best way to get started is by developing an academic planner for success in 2021.

academic planning for 2021 goal setting

Goal Setting for the Year in an Academic Planner in 2021

Goal setting is an important skill for students to learn. Split your long-term academic goals into smaller goals, as these goals are more easily achieved and give you an incentive to keep going. 

Prioritise your goals. What classes are your strongpoints? Hone your skills in these subjects to boost your chances of getting the best marks. Meanwhile, set key slots of time to spend working on your weaker subjects. 

Be clear on your goal setting for more challenging topics. For example, rather than plotting in ‘maths practice’ into your academic planner, be more specific with micro goals. Pinpoint the parts of the subject you specifically struggle with, and set time boundaries for practice, e.g. ‘20 minutes of long division and 15 minutes of algebra’.

Get creative with goal setting. Colour-code your goals based on their prioritisation, so you’re clear on what goals to focus on. Use tabs to alert yourself to dates of importance. Remember to reward yourself as you complete your goals. Set in times for hobbies, relaxation and fun along with coursework. 

Scheduling for Success in an Academic Planner 2021

Another key aspect of developing an academic planner for success in 2021 is scheduling. As you plan in classes, lectures and extracurricular activities, you gain a wider insight into your free time, which you can then assign for rest and goal setting. 

Using an academic planner in 2021 is vital, because you can see on micro and macro scales exactly what you need to get done and when. School and university can be hectic, and important classes can easily be missed or crop up unexpectedly. 

With an academic planner, you can see at a glance what your daily plans and goals are, so unexpected events can easily be plotted in. You can also see your wider monthly goals, so that plans can be made well in advance, keeping your goals well in order.

Using an Academic Planner for Back to School Planning During COVID-19

Whether you’re heading to school or university, it’s likely that regulations to restrict the spread of coronavirus will continue to be in place throughout 2021. Factor restrictions into your academic planner for success in 2021, as this will ensure you don’t face any nasty surprises. Plan for further home study, plotting in time to ensure any electronic equipment is working. 

Make sure any preparations for the school day are plotted into your daily routine, so that they become a habit. Pack additional masks and hand sanitizer in your school bag for the day ahead. When you return home, wash your hands immediately, and wash or discard any used masks. 

As lockdown has heavily impacted the mental health of many young people, it’s important to set aside time for self-care. Even 15 minutes of mindfulness or exercise can have beneficial effects on your mental wellbeing and academic abilities through the day, boosting your chances for success in 2021.

Getting started with an academic planner is a simple, but effective way to plan for success in 2021. An academic planner helps students to complete goal setting, whilst also prioritising their tasks, plotting in classes, lectures and rest periods, and following COVID-19 guidelines. Understanding how to manage time and goals is key to a successful academic year.

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