Affirmations for confidence at work

These are some of our favourite confidence affirmations for within the workplace. Read them, repeat them and think about the meaning behind the words. These affirmations are the perfect tool to improve your thoughts.

Confidence Affirmation 1: I accept responsibility for my own happiness and development.

I accept responsibility for my own happiness and development.

Confidence Affirmation 2: My career goals are manifesting each day.

My career goals are manifesting each day.

Confidence Affirmation 3: Someone else's success empowers me to keep growing.

Someone else's success empowers me to keep growing.

Confidence Affirmation 4: I'm building a supportive network that encourages and motivates me.

I'm building a supportive network that encourages and motivates me.

Confidence Affirmation 5: I am prepared to handle all tasks that come to me.

I am prepared to handle all tasks that come to me.

Confidence Affirmation 6: Each day I am learning to become a better me.

Each day I am learning to become a better me.

If these affirmations help you then print them out or save them to your desktop as a daily reminder. Alternatively, our Affirmation Card Deck is the perfect tool for making affirmations part of your daily routine.

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